A song from a mummy monkey singing to her baby monkey.
Artists: Sinah Laah Aren @ Garnette Jalla Ridu and Na’em Tebpen @ Ramie Bulan

A song from a mummy monkey singing to her baby monkey.
Kelabit Lyrics
- Luk luk iko anak bedtuk
- Doo‘ nabe’ ribed muh pinudut
- Dara’ uih merey iko tudo upey upey
- Tudo ngeradung peped rabey
- Da’an meley
- Da’at nupih uih dedtem malem
- Mupih Ilan marih tungey
- Marih nitin eput kitung
- Put belut binalatung
- Ngera’o ieh lem pulung
- Men kekuh ngemuh malem ina’
- Dih niko dara’
- Leluen kuh ba’o buda’
- Ilu muh ina’
English Lyrics
- Luk luk baby monkey
- You’re created so beautifully
- Did I not say, sway not carelessly
- Sitting easy on low boughs
- On weak branches
- I had a bad dream last night
- Dreamt that Ilan came here
- Armed with hunting blow pipe
- Blow pipe decorated all around
- He fashioned poison darts in the jungle
- Did I not warn you darling child
- Peevish sulking you wen
- My treasure White Pearl
- My precious darling girl