This song is about coming together as a community
Artists: Sinah Laah Aren @ Garnette Jalla Ridu and Na’em Tebpen @ Ramie Bulan
This song is about coming together as a community through communal activities.
Kelabit Lyrics
- Mey ngapeh upun tauh
- Mey nidta' runu tabuh
- Nenganuh ugam beruh
- Ugam barit ridu’ ridu’
- Mey ngapeh upun anak
- Mey nidta’ runut tedtak
- Nenganuh ugam belad
- Ugam barit riwad riwad
- Mey ngapeh lun ula' ula'
- Mey rudap parung dita'
- Nenganuh ugam sia'
- Ugam barit ieh doo’ sira’
Stanzas (sung in jest by adults) with the same kuab beat
- Mey ngapeh lun ula’- ula’
- Mey rudap parung dita’
- Iih kamih inan ela’
- Inan lilid kawil awa’
- Mey ngapeh lun ali-ali
- Mey rudap parung dedih
- Iih kamih inan lili
- Inan lilid kawil beti
English Lyrics
- Where shall we run to
- To tread on the a watergourd creeper
- To weave a new mat of reeds
- Of flowing zigzag motif
- Where are the children running to
- To trample on the pumpkin creeper
- To weave a flat mat of reeds
- Of intertwining circular motif
- Where is the crowd going to
- To sleep in the lofty attic
- To weave a red mat of reeds
- Colourful beautiful mat to behold
Stanzas (sung in jest by adults) with the same kuab beat
- Where is every one going in droves
- To sleep in their lofty attic
- Who among us is attractive
- To be leg-locked around the waist (in embrace)
- Where has everyone gone to
- To sleep in their own attic
- Who among us is desirable
- To be leg-locked around the calves (in embrace)